Starting materials: AE4T*2HCl, PbCl2
Product: AE4TPbCl4 film on glass or quartz
Description: Thin film growth by RIR-MAPLE method from a 2 mM solution of the precursor salts using a 1:1 vol:vol blend of DMSO and ethylene glycol as the solvent. Films annealed in nitrogen at 125 C for 5 min after deposition.
Method: Photoluminescence
Description: Steady-state PL spectra were recorded using Edinburgh Instruments FS920 fluorimeter that was equipped with a 450 W xenon arc lamp as the excitation source, and a Peltier-cooled Hamamatsu R2658P photomultiplier tube.
Starting materials: (AEQT)PbCl4, quartz, acetone, ethanol
Product: (AEQT)PbCl4 thin film. Film thickness between 500 Å and 900 Å.
Description: To prepare (AEQT)PbCl4, sonicate quartz samples in 2% (w/v) detergent solution in water (20 min), then sonicate in acetone (20 min) and ethanol (20 min). Boil in ethanol (5 min) and place in a 130 °C oven to dry. Add 0.003 g of (AEQT)PbCl4 compounds to 0.1 mL of methanol, and sonicate again for 10 min. Place the charge dropwise via a syringe on the tantalum heater of the SSTA chamber. Close chamber and evacuate all solvent with a rotary mechanical pump. Switch on a turbomolecular pump, and pump system to approximately 10^{-7} Torr. To initiate the evaporation, pass a large current of approximately 65 A through the heater for about 4 s. Anneal the (AEQT)PbCl4 films at 150 °C for 5 min.
Comment: Single source thermal ablation (SSTA) technique.
Method: Spectrofluorometer
Description: Photoluminescence (PL) spectra was recorded at room temperature on a Spex Fluorolog-2 spectrofluorometer using the front-face geometry. Light from a xenon arc lamp was used as the excitation source, after being passed through a SPEX 1680 0.22 m double monochromator. The wavelength was 370 nm.
Comment: Refer to Figure 9.