Crystal system: triclinic
a: | 11.4310808 Å |
b: | 11.56478478 Å |
c: | 17.3964985 Å |
α: | 73.74468679° |
β: | 80.52217906° |
γ: | 89.99270188° |
Code: FHI-aims
Level of theory: DFT
Exchange-correlation functional: PBE (with TS scheme to account for the Van der Waals effect)
K-point grid: 4*4*2
Numerical accuracy: force convergence 5e-3 eV/AA
Comment: See Table S4 of Ref. . This structure is constructed based on the experimental T= RT (PEA)2PbBr4 published by Gong et al. (doi: 10.1038/s41563-018-0081-x.)