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Crystal system: orthorhombic
a: | 33.619 (±0.007) Å |
b: | 7.82 (±0.001) Å |
c: | 7.728 (±0.001) Å |
α: | 90° |
β: | 90° |
γ: | 90° |
Starting materials: Lead chloride, benzylamine (Merck), HCl, DMF
Product: Colorless crystals
Description: Benzyl ammonium chloride was prepared by adding a stoichiometric amount of 37% concentrated HCl to benzylamine. Then, the solvent from a dimethylformamide solution of lead chloride and benzyl ammonium chloride (1:2) was slowly evaporated.
Method: Single crystal X-ray diffraction
Description: Nicolet P3, Wyckoff diffractometer with Mo Ka radiation (0.71073 À)
Starting materials: (PMA)2PbCl4 crystals, DMF, quartz substrates
Product: Thin film on quartz
Description: Dissolve the 2D single crystals into DMF at a concentration 6%∼10% relative to the total weight. Spin-coat at 3000 rpm for 30 s on quartz substrates. Anneal in air at 100 °C for 10 min before measurement.
Method: Photoluminescence
Description: The photoluminescence spectra were measured using a Horiba-Jobi-Yvon LabRAM ARAMIS system, with a 325 nm He-Cd laser excitation. The laser beam was collimated and focused through a 40X UV objective onto the sample surface at room temperature. Refer to figure 5.
See all entries for this property (2 total)
Crystal system:
Code: FHI-aims
Level of theory: density functional theory
Exchange-correlation functional: HSE06 α = 0.25, ω = 0.11/bohr
K-point grid: 3x4x4
Level of relativity: atomic ZORA with spin-orbit coupling
Basis set definition: tight
Crystal system: orthorhombic
Photoluminescence peak position, nm |
Starting materials: (PMA)2PbCl4 crystals, DMF, quartz substrates
Product: Thin film on quartz
Description: Dissolve the 2D single crystals into DMF at a concentration 6%∼10% relative to the total weight. Spin-coat at 3000 rpm for 30 s on quartz substrates. Anneal in air at 100 °C for 10 min before measurement.
Method: Photoluminescence
Description: The photoluminescence spectra were measured using a Horiba-Jobi-Yvon LabRAM ARAMIS system, with a 325 nm He-Cd laser excitation. The laser beam was collimated and focused through a 40X UV objective onto the sample surface at room temperature. Refer to figure 5.
Starting materials: (PMA)2PbCl4 crystals, DMF, quartz substrates
Product: Thin film on quartz
Description: Dissolve the 2D single crystals into DMF at a concentration 6%∼10% relative to the total weight. Spin-coat at 3000 rpm for 30 s on quartz substrates. Anneal in air at 100 °C for 10 min before measurement.
Method: UV-Vis absorption
Description: Optical absorption spectra were obtained using a Shimadzu UV-3600 spectrophotometer.