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Crystal system: triclinic
a: | 8.6484 (±0.0005) Å |
b: | 8.6467 (±0.0005) Å |
c: | 32.461 (±0.002) Å |
α: | 85.1499 (±0.0017)° |
β: | 85.1329 (±0.0018)° |
γ: | 89.5023 (±0.0016)° |
Starting materials: phenylethylammonium iodide (PEAI), tin (II) iodide (SnI2), gamma-bytrolactone (GBL)
Product: Red plate-like crystals
Description: Single crystals of were obtained by dissolving stoichiometric amounts of the organic salt and SnI2 in gamma-bytrolactone (GBL) (0.1 M), and then performing vapor diffusion of chloroform and chlorobenzene.
Comment: For more detail, please refer to the following literature: Kagan, C. R.; Mitzi, D. B.; Dimitrakopoulos, C. D., Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials as Semiconducting Channels in Thin-Film Field-Effect Transistors. Science 1999, 286 (5441), 945-947.
Method: Single-crystal X-Ray Diffraction
Description: A Bruker Quest diffractometer with kappa geometry, I-μ-S microsource X-ray tube (Cu Kα radiation, λ = 1.54178 Å), Photon2 CMOS area detector, and multilayer mirror for monochromatization was used. Data was scanned and corrected with APEX3, space groups were solved using XPREP in SHELXTL
Crystal system: monoclinic
Absorption peak position, nm |
Starting materials: HI, SnI2, phenylethylammonium iodide (PEAI), toluene
Product: Thin film on quartz substrate
Description: Crystals were grown by slowly cooling a solution of HI and PEAI and SnI2. SnI2 was added first, then the organic salt, and then HI. The solution was mixed and heated to 94 degrees Celsius to completely dissolve SnI2. The solution was then cooled at 3 degrees per hour until 0 degrees was reached, resulting in the formation of red crystals. The crystals were filtered in an inert atmosphere and also rectrystallized twice from a solution of methanol and toluene. To produce films of the unintercalated systems, the recrystallized perovskites were dissolved in distilled methanol. Previously cleaned and prepared quartz substrates were used and the solution was spin coated onto them. The spinning cycle was 1 s ramp up to 1800 rpm, and then 30 s at 1800 rpm. Then the samples were annealed at 70 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes to remove any residual solvent.
Method: UV-vis absorption
Description: Absorption spectra were measured with a Hewlett-Packard UV-vis 8543 spectrophotometer at room temperature on the quartz thin-film samples.
Comment: Exciton peak is noted here. (2.04 eV)
Crystal system: unknown
Interlayer Distance, Inorganic-to-Inorganic, Å |
Starting materials: PEAI, SnI2, HI, H3PO2
Product: Single crystals of 2D tin halide perovskite. Thin flakes were then exfoliated from the single crystals.
Description: Single crystals synthesized by slow cooling method. Growth solution prepared with 0.16mmol PEAI, 0.40mmol SnI2, 2mL HI, and 0.2mL H3PO3 in a sealed glass vial and placed in a muffle furnace and heated until completely dissolved. Solution cooled to room temperature at a rate of 2°C/hour. Crystals were then dried and stored in a nitrogen glove box.
Method: Powder X-ray Diffraction
Description: Performed using Bruker D8 Advance, using copper target and steps of 0.02 degrees.
Comment: Temperature not confirmed in paper; room temperature seems likely.
Crystal system: unknown
Exciton energy, eV |
Starting materials: PEAI salt, SnI2 salt, stoichiometric ratio 2:1
Product: spin-coated thin film
Description: Starting materials dissolved in 4:1 DMF:DMSO solvent mixture, stirred for 30 min at room temperature. Substrate: Quartz substrate with 120 nm gold layer with interdigitated fingers. Precursor solution (0.1-0.3 molar) pipetted onto substrate and spin-coated, 4000 rpm / 30 seconds, targeting film thicknesses 80-300 nm.
Method: Electroabsorption
Description: Films were spin-coated onto interdigitated Au electrode array - 45 micron distance between opposing fingers. Samples mounted in cryostat with Cu wires soldered to opposing electrode stripes. Xe lamp light spectrally filtered, focused on sample and subsequently on UV-enhanced Si photodiode detector. Sample transmission, substrate transmission, and sample electrotransmission were collected in independent scans. Absorbance and electroabsorbance were then calculated from the respective transmissions.
Comment: Significantly more detail in paper.
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Crystal system: unknown
Exciton binding energy, eV |
Starting materials: PEAI salt, SnI2 salt, stoichiometric ratio 2:1
Product: spin-coated thin film
Description: Starting materials dissolved in 4:1 DMF:DMSO solvent mixture, stirred for 30 min at room temperature. Substrate: Quartz substrate with 120 nm gold layer with interdigitated fingers. Precursor solution (0.1-0.3 molar) pipetted onto substrate and spin-coated, 4000 rpm / 30 seconds, targeting film thicknesses 80-300 nm.
Method: Electroabsorption
Description: Films were spin-coated onto interdigitated Au electrode array - 45 micron distance between opposing fingers. Samples mounted in cryostat with Cu wires soldered to opposing electrode stripes. Xe lamp light spectrally filtered, focused on sample and subsequently on UV-enhanced Si photodiode detector. Sample transmission, substrate transmission, and sample electrotransmission were collected in independent scans.Absorbance and electroabsorbance were then calculated from the respective transmissions. The exciton binding energy arises as the difference of the 1s exciton peak energy observed in conventional absorption and the fundamental gap as determined by the crossover point of absorption curves measured under different electric fields in the fundamental band gap region.
Comment: Significantly more detail in paper.
Starting materials: HI, SnI2, phenylethylammonium iodide (PEAI), toluene
Product: Red plate-like crystals
Description: Crystals were grown by slowly cooling a solution of HI and PEAI and SnI2. SnI2 was added first, then the organic salt, and then HI. The solution was mixed and heated to 94 degrees Celsius to completely dissolve SnI2. The solution was then cooled at 3 degrees per hour until 0 degrees was reached, resulting in the formation of red crystals. The crystals were filtered in an inert atmosphere and also rectrystallized twice from a solution of methanol and toluene.
Method: Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
Description: DSC was performed with a TA Instruments MDSC-2920. A heating rate of 5 degrees per minute weas used and the temperature scale was calibrated using the indium melting transition. This is power-compensated DSC where the heating rate and power supply is constant.
Starting materials: HI, SnI2, phenylethylammonium iodide (PEAI), toluene
Product: Red plate-like crystals
Description: Crystals were grown by slowly cooling a solution of HI and PEAI and SnI2. SnI2 was added first, then the organic salt, and then HI. The solution was mixed and heated to 94 degrees Celsius to completely dissolve SnI2. The solution was then cooled at 3 degrees per hour until 0 degrees was reached, resulting in the formation of red crystals. The crystals were filtered in an inert atmosphere and recrystallized twice from a solution of methanol and toluene.
Method: Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)
Description: TGA was performed with a TA Instruments TGA-2950 on the crystals that were isothermally purged in a nitrogen atmosphere at ambient temperature for 20 minutes. The temperature was then increased at a constant rate of 5 degress Celsius per minute up to 600 degrees.
Crystal system: monoclinic
Activation energy for electrical conduction, eV |
Starting materials: HI, H3PO2, anhydrous ethanol, SnI2, organic cation iodide salt
Product: Single crystals
Description: Stoichiometric ratios of purified SnI2 and the organic cation iodide salt were added to either an HI or ethanol solution in an inert atmosphere. The solids were fully dissolved by raising the ethanol solutions to 65 degrees Celsius and the HI solutions to 75 degrees. The solutions were then cooled at the rate of 1.5 degrees per hour until 5 degrees was reached, over which time crystals precipitated.
Method: Four-probe DC conductivity
Description: The standard four-probe method was used to measure the DC conductivity. Carbon paste was applied over the sample to mount two gold wires on either end of the sample as the current source. The two remaining wires, the voltage probes, were attached to the surface also via the carbon paste. The sample was kept in vacuum over the duration of the experiments, over the temperature range 5 to 300 K. Values extracted from fitting equation 1 in the article to the resistivity data.
Starting materials: HI, H3PO2, anhydrous ethanol, SnI2, organic cation iodide salt
Product: Single crystals
Description: Stoichiometric ratios of purified SnI2 and the organic cation iodide salt were added to either an HI or ethanol solution in an inert atmosphere. The solids were fully dissolved by raising the ethanol solutions to 65 degrees Celsius and the HI solutions to 75 degrees. The solutions were then cooled at the rate of 1.5 degrees per hour until 5 degrees was reached, over which time crystals precipitated.
Method: Four-probe method
Description: The standard four-probe method was used to measure the DC conductivity. Carbon paste was applied over the sample to mount two gold wires on either end of the sample as the current source. The two remaining wires, the voltage probes, were attached to the surface also via the carbon paste. The sample was kept in vacuum over the duration of the experiments, over the temperature range 5 to 300 K.
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Starting materials: Tin(II) oxide (Sigma Aldrich, 97%), hydriodic acid (Sigma Aldrich, 57% w/w in H2O, 99.9%), hypophosphorous acid (Avra, 50% w/w H2O), phenylethylamine (Sigma Aldrich, 99.9%)
Product: (PEA)2SnI4 crystals
Description: Single crystals of (PEA)2SNI4 were synthesized by adding tin (II) oxide (0.6 mmol), hydriodic acid ( 5 mL), and hypophosphorous acid (3 mL) into a sealed vial and heated at 90 ˚C under constant stirring. After tin (II) oxide dissolved in the solution and yielded a dark yellow color, phenethylamine (1.2 mmol) was injected into the sealed vial by a syringe. A brown sheet of crystals of (PEA)2SNI4 produced after the solution was cooled to room temperature. The crystals were then obtained via filtration and were stored in an N2 glove box.
Method: UV-visible absorption
Description: Optical diffuse-reflectance spectra were collected at room temperature using a Shimadzu UV-3600 plus UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer. The reflectance spectra were converted to absorbance by using the Kubelka-Munk transformation; (α/S = (1 − R)^2/2R); α is the absorption coefficient, S is the scattering coefficient, and R is the reflectance.
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Crystal system: triclinic
Band gap (fundamental), eV |
Code: VASP 5.4.4
Level of theory: DFT
K-point grid: 4x2x2
Basis set definition: PAW
Comment: K-path of triclinic unit cell was used to calculate band structure. Band gaps were derived from band structure
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Starting materials: phenyl ethyl ammonium iodide (C6H5CH2CH2NH3I) and tin iodide (SnI2)
Product: brown-golden plate-like (C6H5CH2CH2NH3)2SnI4 crystals
Description: In an argon atmosphere, 540 mg (2.16 mmol) of C6H5CH2CH2NH3I was mixed with 373 mg (1 mmol) of SnI2 in 10 ml of acetonitrile under stirring. 4 ml of the solvent was evaporated by heating at 75 degrees C. The solution was then cooled to 10 degrees C. Finally, the precipitate was filtered and dried at 40 degrees celsius.
Method: Photoluminescence
Description: The spectrum was recorded using Jobin-Yvon model HG2S Raman spectrophotometer, using an argon laser.